The Pachinko Parlour by Elisa Shua Dusapin (tr. Aneesa Abbas Higgins)
‘Aneesa Abbas Higgings masterfully mirrors the restlessness of the characters as they attempt to translate one another.’

Wild Horses by Jordi Cussà (tr. Tiago Miller)
‘This is a novel that is so of its time, so accurate in its depiction of a Catalonian cultural snapshot, yet expansive in its emotional range. It’s so geographically, and psycho-geographically, specific.’

Milk Teeth by Jessica Andrews
‘For a novel that is so sharp and often written with such linguistic utility, it isn’t at all sparse. Despite these moments in which the narration is given the control that the narrator so desires, this novel is full. In fact, fittingly, one might say it has real weight.’