God 99 by Hassan Blasim (tr. Jonatahn Wright)
‘The refugee experience is also one of not belonging, of not fitting in; of being, as Blasim puts it, ‘always between two fires: your first home and your new one’. In highlighting the refugee experience, in all of its bleakness and disconnection, God 99 excels.’

The Virago Book of Women Travellers edited by Mary Morris (with Larry O'Connor)
‘In a time when days are becoming darker and shorter, and armchair travel is all that most of us can realistically aspire to, this anthology makes a wonderful companion. ‘

The Employees by Olga Ravn (tr. Martin Aitken)
‘Both powerful and poetic, the chilling prescience and emotional eloquence of Ravn’s prose is wonderfully rendered in Martin Aitken’s translation.’

New Passengers by Tina Hoeg
‘In many ways, it’s this minimalism that gives the book a real edge. The free verse style lends the narrative a tautness.’

The Day My Grandfather Was A Hero by Paulus Hochgatterer (tr. Jamie Bulloch)
‘A single word makes the difference between life and death. It’s a compelling testament to the notion that we all have a choice: one that seems especially relevant seventy-five years on.’

Rave by Rainald Goetz
‘Rave is an all-consuming experience. It’s a challenging read. For anyone who was there, though, it will most likely be worth it.’