The Delivery by Margarita García Robayo (tr. Megan McDowell)
‘From start to finish, The Delivery is a pleasure to read: amusing, deeply thought, reflective of the world as it is, a novel that can speak to many readers on many levels.’

Two Sherpas by Sebastián Martínez Daniell (tr. Jennifer Croft)
‘Daniell uses a neat cast of characters, a sprinkling of sub-tales and a touch of comedy to create a story far broader than the reader might expect, an acerbic dissection of a tired world order and personal history of two very different individuals.’

Body Kintsugi by Senka Marić (tr. Celia Hawkesworth)
‘This is a story about illness, yes, but also about recovery, and while kintsugi may feature only in its title, the concept is implicit on every page. Recovery is, in this novel at least, not a return to how things were before, but the taking of a scarred, bruised and fragmented body to display as something not quite whole, yet still entirely perfect.’

Of Saints and Miracles by Manuel Astur (tr. Claire Wadie)
‘Of Saints and Miracles causes us to look at the world anew, guiding us sometimes gently, sometimes with ill-concealed impatience.’